October 15, 2009

My goodness, it sure is easy for time to just fly! Last week was nuts thanks to two dress rehearsals and a concert. I snapped this picture Thursday at rehearsal. If I look back towards the orchestra, this is what I see.

In the midst of all this, I realized that most of my knitting ends up being for other people. I've started three sweaters for myself, but I've never finished them. I decided to pull out my bohus-inspired sweater and get cracking.

I'm rather impressed with all that I've gotten done in the midst of everything. Usually I'm very leisurely and I don't worry about how long everything is taking, but the sheer enormity of this project (7 sts/in!) and its repetitiveness are encouraging me to get a move on and practice knitting quickly.

You can probably see the one thing that's bugging me on the left of the picture if you look closely. Somehow, for some reason, my stitch markers leave visible ladders. Gah! I know this is a rather fine gauge, but they're really not that big. *Sigh* I guess I should try the ones I made and see if it helps.

Monday my sister Jenny came over looking for help with her halloween costume. See if you can picture it:

It actually promises to be rather cool if we can execute it well. I've got some seams to do up and some raw edges to finish before we get together again and figure out fit (well, length mostly).

She came over wearing the kitty scarf I knit for her last year. Apparently her apartment is rather cold... so now I've got an order for fingerless mitts too! We had to go to the craft store for the costume anyway, so she picked out some yarn. It's Mini Mochi, though I'm not sure of the colorway because I'm at work and they're not.

I'm actually quite a bit farther now, halfway through the cabling and about where I need to figure out the thumb. Oh, right, I'm using this pattern (scroll down for the english version).

I was telling James about the new project, and wouldn't you know it, he asked about his mitts... which I had put aside and forgotten about. Talk about guilt!

I spent last night switching between them. I'm modifying the original pattern to use an alto clef instead of a bass clef since he plays viola. You can't see it here, but I'm halfway through it and it looks pretty cool! Except for all that uneven tension between colors...


  1. Alto Clef represent!

  2. James: Here! :D

    Bec: the music mitts are awesome! You do some amazing things with yard, I tell ya! I just bought a bunch more yarn today. Bad me, my checking account is dwindling, but I need something for my hands to do, especially at work, and that is my "cheap" entertainment. You're right, my projects tend to be for other people too. I'll have to find something I enjoy to make for meself. :D

