November 11, 2009

Canada Trip

We had a ton of fun up in Canada curling! We didn't win any games, but we weren't shut out at all either, which was the goal. Besides, if we'd won one we might have had to play Sunday morning... no fun after all the drinking and carousing we were doing.

I remembered to take a picture of actual curling. This isn't us and I don't know who it is because it was drunkenly snapped Saturday night (because bonspiels are all about drinking).

Since this was the Witches' Broom spiel, there were costumes. The neon craziness was a team from our club. Now I can't remember who they were... gemstones? holograms? Some reference I didn't get anyway.

I did manage to find a yarn store while we were there, so of course I had to stop and find some yumminess. It was Knitopia in Langley. Unfortunately they were in the process of moving again, so it was a bit messy. These are all dyed by West Coast Colour, which turns out was the owner of the shop (her husband was manning the cash register).

I'll try and catch up with all the knitting progress next.

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