December 8, 2009

New knitting/knitters

These have all been done for oh so long, and I've still not taken pictures of a few more projects, but if I put this off any longer, I'd never get back to it.

First up, Jen's mitts. They were finished and handed over somewhere near October 25th. It was dark by the time I took the pictures, so don't mind the horrible lighting. I'm quite happy with them, and even happier that she doesn't mind that they're fraternal twins! The thumbs were especially cool, with the second one be much more of a pain trying to get it to match.

Also finished was the first piano scarf for Mom. Here it is in its natural habitat. It could have been a bit larger, but at least this way it won't get in the way.

We had a fun craft day at Mom's some time ago, and I ended up teaching everyone to knit! Here's Beth whipping through the first part of a hat. This one's a whiz kid-- she's already finished four hats and figured out how to do the crown decreases on her own! Very impressive.

Mom decided to relearn too. She's a thrower, so quite a bit slower. Unfortunately, she hasn't had much time to work on it. Every time I go over there though, I make her pull it out and show me that she remembers the stitches. She'll get done eventually...

Jen was watching the whole production as I showed Mom and Beth how to cast on and start ribbing and I bounced between them answering questions. After they were moving, she totally surprised me and decided to pick it up too. She was a master with the long tail cast on, but tends to knit rather tight. It makes a lovely firm fabric, but I'm not sure if it'll fit on her head when it's done!

Next time I'll tell you about James' fingerless gloves and Mom's Pretty Thing. Gotta go find them to take pictures first...

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