Lunch of Champions (or at least lunch of this recovering sickie).
The muffins really hit the spot. It reminds me of making simple dinners for myself at my old apartment. Oh, and Ellensburg! I think that's the first time I realized the Jiffy doesn't just make cornbread mix but muffins too. I don't eat this much anymore because James doesn't eat scrambled eggs and especially not cheese.
Kitchen Horrors!
It isn't nearly as bad as it looks. You have to really worry about dishes stacked neatly taking up this amount of room! I have to say, though, that admitting to such a messy kitchen helped provide motivation to finally deal with it.
VoilĂ !
And since no one wants to only read about dirty dishes, here's some yummy handspun. (BFL I think from Enchanted Knoll Farm for the interested).
I spun up the singles for this yarn ages ago, back when I had just learned to spin. I knew I wanted to chain-ply it to preserve the long color changes. Then, after spinning some Grape Ape yarn for my mom as singles, I wondered if I should just use it as-is (mostly likely to weave with). I really think this was just a delaying tactic-- I didn't want to ruin the yarn! All's well that ends well. I managed plying with no incidents and now I have a lovely yarn to show for it. I think I'll weave it into a nice color gradating scarf. Just need to finish Mom's shawl first...
Yay! Thanks Bec! I like reading updates from people. Looks like you are doing better, I am glad! I think eggs and muffins are a good breakfast of champions for someone who was sick. Nice and easy on the stomach! I was going to make you muffins yesterday but scratched it for obvious reasons. I might have to just make them for myself anyway. :D Thanks for giving me something to do!